Geoprobe® 6620DT used for direct-sensing, soil and groundwater sampling, and installation of pre-pack monitoring wells.

Geoprobe® 7822 used for direct-sensing, soil and groundwater sampling, and installation of pre-pack monitoring wells.

Geoprobe® 6620DT used for direct-sensing, soil and groundwater sampling, and installation of pre-pack monitoring wells.
We use Geoprobe® direct-push rigs for all our field data collection:
Subsurface Soil Sampling utilizing Dual-Tube, Macro Core and Large Bore Samplers
Discrete Groundwater Grab Sampling utilizing Screen Point Systems.
Soil Vapor Sampling utilizing Permanent and Temporary Points.
Installation of Standard and Pre-Packed Small Diameter Wells (½", ¾", 1",1.5”, 2”)
Pressure tremie grouting available on all rigs.